From the Editor's Desk   Saying it like it is!
 CPU Status Report      Computer Products Update
 AMUC Announces CDROM    From the Amiga Users of Calgary
 Repro Studio Universal   4 Graphics programs in one!
 Online Weekly        The lines are buzzing!
 European Outlook      A look at the Amiga in Europe
 Compton MultiMedia     Info about Compton's patent claims
 STR InfoFile        QModemPro for Windows
 UseNet Review        Two Meg Agnus Project
 UseNet Review        Pinball Fantasies
 The Night Before Christmas modern times
 Amiga Report Questionaire  Fill it out and send it back!
 AR Confidential       We heard it through the grapevine
 The Humor Department    Jokes, Quotes, and Shameless plugs!

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